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What is Lawn Winterizer Fertilizer & Do you Need it in Idaho?

Written by Chase Coates | Oct 30, 2023

There’s a crisp chill in the air. Are you hungry? 

Of course you are! It’s the season for warm bowls of chili and platters of football game nachos and do we smell somebody baking apple pie? 

Guess what? Your lawn is hungry, too. It’s worked hard for you all summer, growing through heat and drought and weeds and bugs.

It’s time for your lawn’s pre-winter meal, and it’s called winterizer lawn fertilizer. 

What is lawn winterizer? Is it really important? What does it do?

Grab your pumpkin spice whatever and let’s take a look.

What is Winterizer Lawn Fertilizer?

Winterizer is one term for the final fertilizer application of the season. Not everybody calls it that. Here at Lawn Buddies, we don’t refer to it specifically as “winterizer,” but we definitely recommend a final fertilizer boost for your lawn as cold weather sets in. It’s an important part of lawn care in Idaho Falls, and Boise, ID.

What Does Winterizer Do for Your Lawn?

Winterizer fertilizer is all about boosting the health of your lawn’s roots and building up a reserve of nutrients for your lawn so it emerges green and healthy in the spring.

Maybe you’re all about fertilizing in the spring and summer, but when fall rolls around and you’re plopping pumpkins on the porch and sipping your Oktoberfest beer, lawn fertilizing takes a back seat.

Big mistake. Any lawn pro will tell you fall fertilizer is the most important one of all, setting your lawn up for success as it hunkers down for the long, cold Idaho winter.

How is Winterizer Lawn Fertilizer Different Than Other Fertilizer Applications?

Here at Lawn Buddies, our final fall fertilizer of the year includes more potassium than the other applications. That extra boost feeds your lawn’s roots, for a lawn that emerges green and healthy in the spring.

When to Apply Lawn Winterizer?

Late fall is the time for winterizer lawn fertilizer, about three weeks before the ground freezes. Don’t wait too late. If the ground is already frozen, it won’t do any good.

How Do I Get Winterizer Lawn Fertilizer?

If you’re a Lawn Buddies customer, you’re all set. The final fertilizer for the season is included in your lawn care program. Not a customer yet? If your lawn had a stomach, you could hear it growling.

How Does Lawn Winterizer Fit with Other Fertilizing?

Once spring arrives, your lawn winterizer fertilizer has done its job and you need to continue feeding your hungry lawn. It’s kind of like a teen-ager -- always hungry.

Not too soon, though.. We know, you’re anxious to get your lawn green and growing after its long winter slumber. Spring is super exciting around here.

But make sure it’s awake and ready to absorb those nutrients. Wait for some signs of life before you fertilize. Mid to late April is safe, once the soil temperature reaches 55 degrees.

Next up: Three fertilizer treatments during the growing season keep your lawn green and healthy during its busy summer of backyard parties and squirt gun battles. 

When to fertilize your lawn in summer? Plan on mid-May, around the end of June, and in early to mid-August.

Then, when you’re sipping that pumpkin spice latte and pondering your Halloween costume, it’s time for lawn winterizer again! Man, that year flew by fast, right?

Why Not Leave It All to the Pros?

That’s a lot of fertilizing to keep track of, which means it’s easy to forget a feeding or two. Or three. Life gets busy, right?
It’s easy to make mistakes, too, like applying too much fertilizer or feeding your lawn at the wrong time of the year.

Applying too much fertilizer isn’t just bad for your lawn and wasteful — it can harm the environment, running off and entering the groundwater.

Lawn care experts know exactly when to fertilize your lawn and how much fertilizer to apply. And because you’re on their calendar, they’ll arrive at just the right times to treat your lawn. When it's time for lawn winterizer, they won’t forget. Even nonstop football games won’t distract them.

Is Your Lawn Ready for a New Best Friend?

Winterizer fertilizer is an important fall lawn care task headed into winter. But your lawn needs ongoing expert attention, from fertilizer to weed control to protection from insects and diseases. 

Choose a professional lawn care service in the Idaho Falls or Boise, ID area that bundles your yard’s most-needed treatments into one convenient, no-fuss plan that tells you the cost up front. 

Welcome to one premium, six-visit lawn care program that includes everything your Idaho lawn needs to grow healthy and green.

Fertilizer, weed treatments, and grub control, all wrapped up in six visits, each perfectly timed throughout the season, so your grass is green and strong and resists weeds.

We’ve got your back. 

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